
Guest Teacher Javier Perez Pont

Javier Perez Pont, International Trainer of Teachers for Romana's Pilates, will be guest teaching at our studios Sunday Oct 13-Tuesday Oct 16.  As a special treat, come and meet Javier, author of the Joseph Pilates Biography, as he presents his new book on Sunday Oct 13, 4-5pm in the Rydal studio.  Javier will be signing books during this time. Free to all who can attend.  Refreshments offered and books will be available for purchase.

Javier will be offering lessons and space is limited so call or email us to reserve your spot.  

Sunday Oct 13 

Rydal: 1pm-3pm and Book Signing from 4-5pm

Monday Oct 14

Doylestown: 9am-11am and 2pm-4pm

Tuesday Oct 15 

Rydal: 9am-11am and 1pm-3pm

Wednesday Oct 16

Rydal: 9am-11am

Cost: Private $125/Duet $85/Trio $60

We will try our best to match you up for duets or trios!

To reserve a lesson, please submit a 50% deposit to hold your space and time. 



Guest Teacher Lori Coleman-Brown Returns to June Hines Pilates

 Lori Coleman-Brown will be teaching lessons in both studios from Thursday Sept 19 to Saturday Sept 21

On Saturday Sept 21 Lori will present her workshop,"The Hips and Pelvis" Lori's expertise as a physical therapist and as a Pilates teacher trainer gives her a unique perspective for students and teachers alike.  Lessons and workshop space are limited so call or email us to reserve your spot.

Thursday Sept 19   





Fri Sept 20 





Saturday Sept 21 



Cost: Private $110/Duet $80/Trio $55

We will try our best to match you up for duets or trios!

To reserve a lesson or sign up for the seminar, please submit a 50% deposit to hold your space and time. 



Romana Kryzanowska, 1923-2013


It is with a sad heart that I share the news of Romana's passing.  She was a life force who gave so much to all she met.  She mentored so many to learn to teach Pilates as she was taught by Joseph Pilates.  Her energy was infectious, giving joy and vitality to all around her.  She worked hard, played hard and knew how to enjoy life. 

I raise a glass to her and toast, Love all around and especially to you Romana!

Guest Teacher Jamie Trout at June Hines Pilates

We are honored to host Jamie Trout, Level III, Romana's Pilates Teacher Trainer at June Hines Pilates August 24-26.  Jamie will be teaching lessons at the Rydal and Doylestown Studios Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  Her teaching schedule is noted below. 


Jamie graduated from the North Carolina School of the Arts with a major in Classical Ballet. The discipline and body control she developed in dance provided a solid foundation for Jamie's entry into Pilates.  She became a certified Romana's Pilates instructor in 1999 and in 2009 was promoted to a Level III Teacher Trainer.  Her teaching career includes The Pilates Studio at the Atlanta Ballet and Body Central and her own studio at the Ritz-Carlton, Key Biscayne.  Jamie is currently guest teaching clients and conducting Basic Seminars and Workshops to apprentices of Romana's Pilates throughout the United States, Europe and Russia.

Lesson space is limited so call or email us quickly to reserve your spot.


Sat Aug 24: Doylestown

9am10am11am (mat class), 12noon1pm 

Sun Aug 25: Rydal


Mon Aug 26: Rydal/Doylestown

Rydal- 7am8am9am10am

Doylestown- 1pm2pm 

Lesson Cost:  Private $100; Duet $$65 each; mat class $25



On June 30th Romana celebrated her 90th birthday.  All of us here at JHPilates send her warm wishes and a big hug.  She has enriched our lives by sharing her love and passion about moving the body as Joe Pilates taught her.  I hear her voice in my head as I am teaching and sharing what Romana taught me.  Love to you Romana on your special day.  

Looking Inside of the Body

I just returned from a 6 day cadaver dissection lab at The University of CT at Bridgeport led by Dr. Joe Muscolino, Licensed Chiropractor Physician.  Joe knows the anatomical body backwards and forwards.  His energetic and fun style of teaching guided our class of 20 massage therapists and various movement therapists (Pilates, yoga, personal trainers) through a tour of the human body.  We investigated the muscular, skeletal, and visceral components of the body.  

When I have been asked, "What did you learn", I have taken a pause as I feel I have learned so much and yet I know so little.  There were 4 bodies/vessels of people who donated their bodies so people like myself could learn about our complex organism.  One of the things that was fascinating was examining the fascia, or connective tissue within the body.    I have included a short video which explains the fascia very well.  Take a minute to watch Gil Hedley, Anatomist, explain and show about the connective tissue that holds us all together.  He called it "The Fuzz Speech".

Thanks for listening,

June Hines

Gratz Pilates Studio of the Month

"Designed by Joe and carried forward by Romana, Gratz is the only equipment I trust with my teachers and students.  Gratz performs every time and stands the test of time." - June Hines

June Hines Pilates

Open House!

Please join us at our Doylestown Studio for a Spring Fling Open House on Saturday June 8th from 1-3pm featuring Pilates Games, Giveaways and Goodies!  Bring a friend and have them experience Pilates in a fun, safe and inspiring way. 

June Hines in Florida

June Hines will be attending a CPE/Level Teacher Trainer meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida over the Memorial Day weekend.  At this meeting global standards and overall best practices are set for Romana's Pilates trained teachers.

In March, Barb, Susan, and June Hines traveled to Virginia to attend a CPE taught by Juanita Lopez, Level I Master Instructor.  Juanita is based in Chicago and has taught Pilates around the world as a Teacher Trainer for Romana's Pilates.