

The following studio guidelines maximize workouts in an environment that protect health and safety.

  • Be prompt for your appointments as you will be prepared to move and get the most from your Pilates session.

  • Socks on the feet are preferred for cleanliness and sanitary reasons for all. (Certain exercises do need the contact of feet to the apparatus)

  • Please clean up after yourself. As we work on a piece of apparatus we should leave it in order and clean for the next person. Our cleaning procedures for the studios use products with CDC guideline for killing all germs and viruses.   

  • Excessive conversation during a workout can distract not only your own workout but the workout of others. Please keep voices at a tone and level to respect others.

  • Please avoid using perfumes/lotions before coming in for your workout. Clients, teachers, etc. could be allergic and/or bothered by heavy scents.

  • The studio is a cell phone free zone. If you are expecting an important call discuss this with your instructor before beginning your session.

  • MAT & APPARATUS class cards have a six (6) month expiration from the date of first use.

  • PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE cards have a one year expiration from the date of first use.

  • ALL MAT CLASS, APPARATUS CLASS, PRIVATE, OR SEMI-PRIVATE CARDS, are non refundable once purchased. Should you have a problem of any kind using a card, you have the option of selling or transferring your card to someone else.

Above all have a great Pilates session and a good day!

June Hines Pilates Team